Sunday 10 June 2012

The Preacher's Kid

I used to think that being a pastor's child is very difficult, but i soon realised it is the expectations of people when they find out the choice of one or in my position both your parents.

Going through my weekly reading of the weird and wonderful things that have happened this week (a naked homeless man who ate 75% of another guy's face) i see a link saying Creflo Dollar has been arrested; now for those of you who do not know who he is, let me explain. He is an African - American (senior) pastor and founder of World Changers Church in College Park, Atlanta. The church has nearly 30,000 members and includes satellite campuses in 10 cities.
Read more:

Allegedly all this happened because he tried to stop his teenage daughter from going to a party...

Every teenager rebel's at some point but with being a pastors daughter/son, who has been expected to live and behave in a particular way, the rebellion hits harder; you do all you can do to shed that image. I went through that stage, got into fights every other day, went out almost every night getting into all kinds of trouble.

Whenever i talk to people (especially guys) and they find out I'm a preachers kid, they always ask the same question; 'so you're a bad girl?' to which I respond; 'i was', unfortunately i have no tattoos or scars to prove it, just bad memories...

Now when i see most preachers kids going through the same thing, i just want to tell them; its all going to be alright. We are not what people think we are, we are what God thinks we are, its not about being a preachers kid, its about being who you are.

The plights of being a preachers kid have even been made into movies, its slippery ground, but all that is needed is patience. I turned out alright.... right?

Thanks for reading
Follow me on twitter @hephzisblessed

Thursday 22 March 2012

Mothers... Love and Inspiration

So this post was meant to be done by mothers day... but life kinda got in the way. So here it is, the two women that changed my life!

Usually when my mum tells me off or gives me advice on something or other, she finishes off with '... because one day I wont be here to tell you what to do'; honestly this breaks my heart every time she say's it, because I literally cannot imagine a world where my mother does not exist.

She is the most emotional (i mean the woman cries at X Factor!),compassionate, hardworking, caring and loving person I know, and she and my father are the best things that ever happened to me. She works so hard to give me and my siblings the life we so often take for granted.

I remember a time when i used to dislike her because she took me from the country I love; from family and friends to a strange cold and wet place eight years ago, but she wanted to give me the opportunities and life she longed for when she was my age. She wants me to see the world in a way she didn't; and for that and more; I love her!

She recently threw a surprise 21st birthday party for me where she got most of my friends and family together just so she can see me smile! Now mum is not the richest person on earth but I'm content because she gives me what I need; values, worth and a whole lot of LOVE! I LOVE YOU MUMMY!

My Grandmother; Juliana Anyan, was my mother, when my mum was not around. As i write this blog, i can barely help the tears streaming down my face because I lost her way too early. This woman made it hard to miss my mum because she was everything I needed; strict but kind, tough but loving, and most of all she was always there.

She died 4 years ago (May 24th, 2008) when she suddenly got ill (she had type 1 diabetes), and at that moment my life changed forever. I decided the world would not lose someone so precious, so being named after her I decided to become the person she taught me to be. And if i become half the woman she was, I will be content. One thing I know is that, God only takes the very best, and i promise to carry on in her legacy.

'What is more important, who we become or how we become?'
I believe the answer is both, and how I became the person I am today; is because of these two women. I am still a working progress though. :)

Thank you for reading
Follow me of twitter: @hephzisblessed

Thursday 15 March 2012


Peering through blurry sleep drenched eyes at what looks like a silhoeutte of four at the foot of my very comfotable bed; our family tradition of waking the birthday person with singing, warmth and love is what my half awake self is telling me is about to happen.

My littlel sister jumps in my bed and hugs me; 'jump in David (little bro) you may never get this chance again'- a reference to my lack of response when it comes to family hugs (they're chessy).

My dad then jumps in too, unable to stop himself from harmonising the birthday song in my ear while my mum rubs my cheek, I guess to her i'll always be her little girl; which I do not mind one bit!!
 21st Birthday Resolutions: .
.Learn how to cook like my mum ( my Jollof Rice just doesnt cut it)

.Wearing my hair naturally!

 .More organized and time conscious (im never gonna be late people... REJOICE!)  .

.Most importantly, learn to drive and buy a car! :)

 PS: Today is the first time in 8 years it hast rained on my birthday! And the Sun is shining! :) BRITISH WEATHER!

Before you leave please support this cause! And #stopkony!!

Follow me on twitter: @hephzisblessed

Tuesday 28 February 2012


So ever since i turned the ripe old (ish) age of 20, a lot of people have started to ask about my relationship status and have started to ask when I will be getting married and my plans for the future.

Now as I am quickly drawing towards the dreaded age of 21, friends have started to ask this same question; now I didn't mind when my African parents and family friends asked because that is expected but surely not my educated and insightful twenty first century friends.

Because unlike the dinosaur ages my parents emerged from, my friends and i live in a world where a woman doesn't need a man, she can have her own business, have kids and live a full happy life!

Now I haven't had great luck with guys (of which i will go into some other time), and as a rule i do not tell my parents i'm in one so as not to start drama and a lecture! So how they imagine i will get married without first having a boyfriend is very complicated concept to me.

After saying all this, i would lastly like to add that i do not hate men, and when the time is right it will happen; but i'm 20 for God's sake! I would love to get married ONE DAY in the future, with my 2.4 kids and an ever loving and caring husband, driving a Cadillac Escalade; but for now i'm content being a single girl concentrating on uni but has a weird fixation with POWER RANGERS!!

I do not wish to sound ungrateful, because I know i am very blessed to be alive and well, and i thank God everyday for that. Unlike some of my peers who couldn't have grown up fast enough, i have always wanted to stay young and responsibility free! So please do not take this the wrong way, i feel blessed every morning!

I'll leave you with an inspirational piece by the poet Janette-ikz; 'I WILL WAIT FOR YOU'